Learning and Thinking Enhancement

Every human being, at any age or situation can enhance their learning and thinking skills. The basic LATE methodology is a battery of cognitive development exercises and tasks.
The traditional enhancement process of human capital for workplaces and educational systems focuses on knowledge acquisition. The common training systems do not deal with the cognitive development of people. Knowledge is pumped into the people's heads but we do not teach them how to learn and how to think.
  Insite’s cognitive development component is a mechanism that is designed to teach its participants how to enhance their thinking skills and how to learn. It is based on the concept that any person can change at any age in any condition. Our cognition can be modified. This concept has been proven for the past half a century with a wide variety of populations, on millions of participants.
  Our cognitive development exercises and tasks that pertain to specific cognitive functions and address additional aspects that are involved in the acquisition of efficient mental processes. It initiates a process of change in the cognitive structure of the participants through a learning process called mediation. Instead of accepting a person  ‘as is’, which results in their limitation with respect to the variety of situation which they experience, the program is designed to expand the person's ability to adapt to changing  situations. Furthermore, one of the main results that participants report on is their wish to continue to learn, and to blossom from a cognitive perspective. A significant part of each LATE session is devoted to the process of mediation. The person that “leads” the process is called a mediator, and is responsible for the selection of the stimuli and their connection to a wide range of ‘external’ real life situation. The mediator controls the appearance of the stimuli to apply the principles deduced from the exercises to a variety of specific fields that are relevant to the participant. The application of the stimulus for an engineering university student shall be different than the one for a four-year-old in kindergarten. The application by the mediator results in the enhancement of autonomic cognitive development which is an essential component of conceptual flexibility.
The implementation of LATE in the business environment, from simple industrial plants to high tech corporations has been highly successful. The LATE tools are applied with engineers, managers, and all types of employees where mediated learning is designed to augment their capacity to adapt to the rapidly changing work environment.
LATE serves a dual purpose:
• Develop the capabilities of the individual (flexibility, versatility, learning skills and motivation), and by consequence;
• Support the daily-work tasks and the required ability to adapt and respond to the ever changing technological and business environment.
It is implemented in education institutes from kindergartens to universities on a global scale.

It is never too late for LATE